(206) 633-1048 |
Dental X-RaysRadiographs, commonly known as x-rays, help us identify unseen dental problems. Using x-rays helps us see hidden dental problems and also lets us see malignant or benign masses and check for bone loss. We want to help you detect issues before they become problems. This will help you keep a healthier mouth and can save you money. Small problems develop into larger problems when they are ignored. Digital X-RaysAt James Swanson, DDS, we use digital x-rays, versus x-ray film. Digital radiography uses digital image capturing. This allows us immediate image previews and availability. It also eliminates costly film processing and allows us to enhance the overall display of the image. We can enlarge and zoom in on areas of interest. Other advantages over traditional film based x-rays include:
James Swanson, DDS 4115 NE University Way, Suite 117 Seattle, WA 98105-6257 Call (206) 633-1048 |