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(206) 633-1048

Root Canal

Diagram of root canal with placement labelsRoot canal therapy is a dental procedure that saves a tooth when the root has become infected and without it, may require extraction. Sometimes tooth trauma due to impact has caused a fracture providing passage for bacteria into the tooth and this can lead to the need for a root canal. Most commonly, root canal therapy is needed when a tooth has had decay reach the pulp, or inner portion, of the root. Once the pulp is infected it will not heal without intervention from Dr. Swanson. Infected roots are painful and can eventually compromise your entire immune system if the infection is left untreated.

If you are experiencing the following symptoms, please contact Dr. Swanson's office to see if a root canal is necessary for you:
•  swelling of the cheek and gums
•  any pain or sensitivity when eating sweets
•  any pain or sensitivity to drinks that are hot or cold
•  pain, especially when biting or chewing
•  a constant bad taste in your mouth

How is a root canal procedure performed?

Dr. Swanson will begin with clearing away the infection. He will drill into the tooth to reach the pulp and remove the infected pulp. He will then disinfect the canals with a anti bacterial gel and fill the now open void with a rubber like substance that is designed to prevent future infections. Drilling into the tooth, and then removing the root, pulp and nerves does compromise the strength of the tooth structure. Because of its now weakened state, we may recommend a crown which will restore the tooth's in shape, look, and strength allowing you to continue with the tooth's natural function.

Our restorative dental services can help you feel proud of your beautiful teeth. Contact our Seattle location for scheduling an appointment or to answer any questions. Call us today at (206) 633-1048 to learn more about restoration of your teeth.
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James Swanson, DDS
4115 NE University Way, Suite 117
Seattle, WA 98105-6257
Call (206) 633-1048
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James Swanson, DDS, 4115 NE University Way, Suite 117, Seattle, WA 98105-6257 ^ (206) 633-1048 ^ ^ 1/31/2025 ^ Tags: Dentist Seattle WA ^